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Epic Punchlines #4: Black Nut

The fourth main character of our Epic Punchlines series is Just Music’s troublemaker Black Nut. Some of you are seeing him live in London this Friday, so check his skills and learn some Korean while you’re at it!

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Epic Punchlines #3: Zico

The third part of our exclusive series is here with the mission to show you that idol rappers can write some Epic Punchlines as well. And who better to prove this than Zico?!

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Epic Punchlines #2: Tablo

Thanks to your positive feedback on the last article, Epic Punchlines is being continued as a series. To celebrate this, we’re taking a look at a pair of punchlines by another one of the top punchliners in Khiphop: Tablo!

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Epic Punchlines – Lost in Translation: Swings

When translating Korean lyrics, punchlines lose their pun and all that is left is a plain, meaningless line. Yet, you still want to understand the joke and laugh along? This article will introduce and explain to you one of Korean hiphop’s most epic punchlines, so let’s get punny!