- Title: [types field=”song-title” output=”raw”][/types]
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- Album: [types field=”album-title” separator=”, ” output=”raw”][/types]
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Intro x2)
Money, money
Money that will keep me warm
Verse 1)
Without money, even God’s grandchild
has to work. Gotta fill your hungry stomach, right?
Mom said, “Who does not work does not eat”
This is what I’d call the Bible of life, gotta learn it, right?
After getting up from a sweet nap
reality is a hard pillow, it has given me a stiff neck
I jump up, lunch time is too short
Cigarettes and coffee, together with stress they draw lines on my forehead
Like a present, I heard someone say that our lives
are somewhat like a present, fuck you, damn it!
The subway bound for Seoul
is full of so-called presents on their way to find food to eat
There is someone with a guitar and a few music sheets
In a briefcase a few unapproved proposals
When they fall down, gazes meet. No matter where you’re headed,
may you have a good day and lie down at ease
I pray
if you’re only doing what you like without earning money
if you can’t do what you like because of money
Earn ya keep
Earn ya keep
No matter where you are, what you do
Work hard, earn ya keep
When it’s a long way home and the company dinner takes longer
You don’t even know the way, then just follow the smell,
DD’s bean paste stew((Reference to Dynamic Duo’s ‘어머니의 된장국 (Mother’s Doenjang Soup) (Feat. Ra.D)’))
or well-fermented kimchi with lard
One sot((Korean traditional caldron made of cast iron)) full of curry and some jeotgal((salted and fermented seafood))
or bibimbap((mixed rice)) made with the left-over side dishes
Now, walk just a bit longer, you’re nearly there
Tired, you lie down at the front door (I’m home)
Chorus: Koonta)
What shall I eat today?
Who shall I eat it with?
I don’t worry about that
I put it aside for now and set out again to find myself
What shall I eat today?
Who shall I eat it with?
I don’t give significance to things like that
I am one of the survivors on the street
Verse 2)
I cannot force myself to even pick up the spoon and scoop up a few bites
Looking at me are a bowl of rice and my mom
No matter if I lose or win, once I’m past the cold doorknob
the table is always prepared for me–how much did that meal cost?
I want to be full. Standing scraggly in the mirror,
the only thing I can do is
to diligently eat soul food food
I sit in the bus to the concert venue, it passes Sanggoo-hyung’s Yanghwa,((Yanghwa is the name of a bridge over the Han River in Seoul; reference to Deepflow’s ‘Yanghwa’)) move move
I go to work, do you cross this bridge on your way to work too?
We’re quite similar
Come to my concert the next time, to my workplace where I live and breathe
Come for a while to have a rest, you have the right to do so
Did I earn the money for dinner with today’s concert?
Or did I just open my mouth to pass one day?
Tell me, will today enable me to eat a spoonful of
a hot meal tomorrow, or will it make me rise to fame?((Pun; the verb he uses for “eat a spoonful” and “rise to fame” is the same. Please note that I am not entirely sure about the “rise to fame” part as the verb has a lot of meanings of which several would be plausible in this context.))
Chorus: Koonta)
I cannot force myself to even pick up the spoon and scoop up a few bites
Looking at me are a bowl of rice and my mom
No matter if I lose or win, once I’m past the cold doorknob
the table is always prepared for me–how much did that meal cost?
Or, the desires of those who worry about their dreams by themselves((The word used for “worry about” can also mean ‘boil’ → those who boil/cook their dreams; a pun since these lyrics are food-oriented.))
in a cold room without lights, in winter, away from home
The world that does not care whether I lose or win
and that meal that greets me every morning, how much is it?