Fana, The Quiett, Jerry.k & Kebee – The Client


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[x_visibility type=”visible-phone”]Note: This post is best read on desktop.[/x_visibility]

[/cs_text][cs_alert heading=”Translator's Note” type=”success” close=”false”]As these are storytelling lyrics, the translation is not too close to the original text at some parts so that the story flows better and is easier to understand. E.g., original: It always means to “get rid of a competitor.” was changed to: An offer always means to “get rid of a competitor.”[/cs_alert][x_video_embed no_container=”false” type=”16:9″][/x_video_embed][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 0px 0px 45px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]

[x_visibility type=”visible-desktop”]English[/x_visibility]

[/cs_text][cs_text]Verse 1: Fana)
I’m a specialist who’s familiar with
terror groups, business conglomerates and criminal organizations.
A genius international criminal broker.
Money is the first and foremost prerequisite to me.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]

[x_visibility type=”visible-desktop”]Original[/x_visibility]

난 테러집단, 재벌 및 범죄조직들을
꿰고 있는 스페셜리스트.
세계적인 천재 범죄 브로커.
내겐 돈이 첫 째 전제조건.[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]As I am searching for an email from an earlier job,
a client contacts me with an offer.
The aim is to destroy the record company S.
Usually, it is common practice of the client not to tell[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]난 좀 전 일의 이메일을 검색하다
어떤 의뢰인의 제의를 contact.
목푠 S모 음반회사의 파괴.
보통 관행상 타겟과의 관계에 관해[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]about their relationship with the target,
but it an offer always means to “get rid of a competitor.”
Anyway, I have no doubt
that there is only one right person for the job.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]자세히 말해본 적 없지만,
그건 언제나 “경쟁자를 없앤다”는 뜻.
아무튼 나는 그 일의 적임자가
오직 하나뿐이란 걸 의심치 않아.[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]The master fixer and bomb expert
‘The Q’ who takes care of it all by himself.
I obtain his number.
All that is left is to observe his work.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]폭파 공작의 본좌 해결사.
혼자 모든 걸 다 처리하는 ‘The Q’.
그의 번호를 접수.
남은 것은 그의 작품을 구경하는 것 뿐.[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]Verse 2: The Quiett)
It’s a letter from a client who is paying me a huge sum.
My determination to leave this field is shattered.
Who is the target? Soul Company?
Anyway, this time truly is the last.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text] 
거액의 보수를 물고온 의뢰인의 편지.
손을 떼겠다는 나의 결심은 무너졌지.
타겟은 어디? 소울 컴퍼니?
어쨌든 이 번이 진정 마지막이다.[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]Around 3:20 am, I enter Soul Company,
infiltrating it like the wind. My head down,
I pass by the security guard as if on
cat’s feet, without making a noise.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]새벽 3시20분경, 바람이 스며들듯이
소울 컴퍼니로 들어가 고개를 숙여
졸고있는 경비를 지나 고양이같은
걸음으로 걸어갔지. 살금살금.[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]I pass the dreary corridor and arrive
in a tiny room. As soon as I see the gray desk,
I think and quickly
install it the bomb on the underside of the desk.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]적막한 복도를 지나 도착한
조그만 방의 회색 책상을 보자마자
생각이 들어 난 재빨리
책상밑면에 설치를 실행하지.[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]In the blink of an eye I am done and the moment I am about to leave,
I hear a whistling from afar.
Calmly, I leave through the opposite corridor, avoiding
the security system, and disappear like the wind.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]순식간에 작업을 마치고 자릴뜨는 순간,
멀리서 들려오는 휘파람 소리.
난 침착히 반대편 복도로 나가 경비
시스템을 피해 바람처럼 사라졌지.[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]Verse 3: Jerry.k)
I have been doing intense shift work for a few weeks now.
It is strictly forbidden to sleep in Soul Company’s security office,
but suddenly, I awake from a nightmare.
I feel pathetic for having fallen asleep again.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text] 
몇주간 이어진 격심한 교대 근무
소울 컴퍼니 경비실에선 졸음은 절대 금물이지만
불현듯, 악몽에 난 정신을 차려.
또 잠에 빠져든 자신을 한심해 하며.[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]Uh, I raise my head and look at the clock which shows 3:30,
I grab the flashlight.
It is time for my round, I know that everything will be fine, but in order
to get rid of my unfounded fear, I force myself to whistle.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]uh, 고개를 들어서 시계를 보니까 세시 반,
나는 손전등을 집어 들었지.
순찰시간, 별 일 없을 것을 알지만 괜한 두려움을 없애려
휘파람을 억지로 불었지.[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]Why do I have to dream of the building being blown to pieces on a day like this
and have my mind in constant uproar?
My heart is beating fast, my palms are damp.
The flashlight slips out of my hand and falls to the floor, from where it shines[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]이런 날에 건물이 산산조각 나는 꿈은 왜 꿔서
자꾸 머리 속을 소란하게 구는데?
가슴이 두근대, 손바닥이 축축해.
미끄러 떨어져버린 손전등이 비춘 곳엔[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]on a red light, a timer on which are more or less 15 minutes left.
How ironic, this must have happened while I was asleep.
I make a call to bomb hunter ‘Dr. K’,
he is the only one who can solve this.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]붉은 불빛, 15분가량 남은 타이머.
내가 잠든 사이 어느 새 찾아온 아이러니한 상황.
전활 거네, 폭발물 사냥꾼 ‘Dr.K’
해결사는 그 한 사람 뿐.[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]Verse 4: Kebee)
Without even time to rub my eyes, I prepare
to leave for the SC building with its dozens of floors.
Worries rush in like a flood,
my wife, who woke up startled, looks at me uneasily.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text] 
눈을 부빌 틈도 없이 수십층짜리
SC빌딩으로 떠날 준비중.
물밀듯이 몰려드는 고민
또 놀라 잠에서 깬 아내는 불안한 눈빛을.[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]Sigh .. I have definitely been craving
the dismantling of a bomb for a long time.
A bomb the size of a palm destroying a building,
humans are so arrogant.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]ㅎ.. 난 분명 폭탄장치를 해체하는데
오래토록 목말랐지
손바닥 길이 폭탄이 건물을 부순다니
인간이란 얼마나 오만한지[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]I arrive at the building, put a hat on my head
with its now entangled trains of thoughts and pull it over my face.
Now, I take a deep breath. Five minutes are left.
It is time to perform the miracle that my fate depends on.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]건물에 도착해, 복잡해진
머릿속을 모자안에 눌러담네
자 이제 심호흡해 남겨진 5분에
내 운명이 걸린 기적을 행할 차례[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]The client is already petrified.
At the same time, my brain is working as fast as a cheetah.
The seconds decrease, one after the other. As if I was slowly going crazy,
a miracle and a smile on my lips pass by.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]이미 겁에 질린 의뢰인
동시에 치타처럼 번뜩이고 있는 나의 brain
줄어드는 1초,1초. 점점 미쳐가듯
스쳐가는 기적과 내 입가의 미소[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]


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