Tiger JK

Tiger JK album covers

[NEWS] Tiger JK, 20th Anniversary Documentary

Tiger JK’s 20 year debut anniversary will be celebrated with the release of a 2-part documentary titled ‘TigerJK.ing, Hero of the Stage’ which will be broadcasted by MNET on December 10, 2012.

Seo Jung-Kwon–who first debuted as Tiger JK at an American hiphop festival on August 29, 1992–is now recognized as a pioneer of Korean hiphop. This documentary covers a detailed look at the history of Tiger JK’s colorful music career, as well the artist’s successes and challenges encountered by crossing unfamiliar boundaries in the Korean music scene. The documentary will be broadcasted by MNET on December 10, 2012.

Related Links:
Drunken Tiger Homepage (http://www.dt-love.co.kr/)
Tiger JK’s  Twitter (http://twitter.com/DrunkenTigerJK)

[ Article Source | HIPHOPPLAYA ]
[ Translations | HiphopKR ]