Sickloo - Naked & Infamous (album cover)

Sickloo releases ‘Naked & Infamous’ first official mixtape

R&B lovers, listen up! Sickloo‘s official mixtape ‘Naked & Infamous‘ is finally out.

The album features Sickloo‘s BILLINISM Crew mate Lutto and LILMONEY of juiceoveralcohol, and it includes the two pre-released tracks ‘Busted‘ and ‘Pretend‘.

Sickloo was given the nickname ‘감성변태’ (roughly: sucker for emotions, lit. emotions pervert) by his crewmates and with this album he lives up to that name. In his own furtive but also explicit way, he reveals his wicked mind to the world.

[x_button shape=”rounded” size=”regular” float=”none” href=”” target=”blank” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]’Naked & Infamous’ on iTunes[/x_button]

Track List & Credits:
  1. Bad Scene
  2. 눈 떠보니 | Awake
  3. 악역 | Baddy TITLE
  4. Not So Bad (Feat. LILMONEY)
  5. 체취 | Body Odor
  6. 모른체 | Pretend
  7. Mata Hari
  8. 들통 (Feat. Lutto) | Busted TITLE
  9. 느리게 가도 돼 | Don’t Rush
  10. Bed Scene

Album produced by PaMer
Executive Producers: Sickloo, PaMer
Composed by Sickloo, PaMer
Arranged by PaMer
Mixed & mastered by PaMer
Lyrics by Sickloo, Lutto (track 8), LILMONEY (track 4)
Artwork by TVC (The Van Corps)

Official Audio:
Related Links:

Sickloo   [icon type=”instagram”]    [icon type=”music”]    [icon type=”soundcloud”]
BILLINISM   [icon type=”facebook-square”]    [icon type=”soundcloud”]    [icon type=”youtube”]

Source: Mnet