Earlier today, former Supreme Team member Simon Dominic (Simon D) officially announced his departure from Amoeba Culture.
2014년 1월 31일부로 아메바컬쳐와의 계약이 끝이 납니다. 그동안 저에게 최선을 다 해준 아메바컬쳐 식구들 정말 감사했습니다. 저의 새로운 시작과 앞으로의 활동에 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
— 정기석 (@longlivesmdc) January 29, 2014
In this tweet, Simon Dominic comments, “My contract with Amoeba Culture expires on January 31, 2014 [6-year contract]. I want to express my sincere thank you to the Amoeba Culture family for their support throughout the years. Please look forward to my new start and future activities.”
Does this mean that there is a chance of reformation of Supreme Team with former Amoeba Culture artist E-Sens? Or will Simon Dominic continue to pursue his music career as a solo artist? Let us know what you think!
[ Source | HIPHOPPLAYA ]
[ Translations | HIPHOPKR ]