Indie producer duo WavyCake release first mixtape ‘midnight.’

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Independent producer duo WavyCake dropped their first mixtape on April 26. ‘midnight.‘ features a number of talented up-and-coming singers and rappers, including FR:EDEN, BOiTELLO, OHIORABBIT, and JUNNY.

WavyCake are Privacy and SIM2. They are members of WAVY Crew. Two days ago, they dropped their first mixtape which is a gold mine for all fans of indie K-hiphop and -R&B.

The two producers’ love songs feature many talented artists: their WAVY Crew mates NAVY and BiNTAGE, juiceoveralcohol‘s SOO WHILE!GHT, LILMONEY, and OHIORABBIT, singers Lay.Bn and Nathania, Seungmin Kim aka superstarjimmy, GR8VATTIC‘s BOiTELLO, IIVI’s FR:EDEN and ROLLYBOI, Privacy’s Mainders Movement mate BAYLEE, and Marilyn Monderland‘s yelloasis and JUNNY. Their crew mate WOOGS created the artwork.

You can stream the tape on SoundCloud and preview it on Instagram (below).

“but do i give you happiness when i am around? 
you are my everything but i don’t say it out loud
my thoughts are full of me and you all of the time
i look through the windows to clear my mind and
stare at the starry night”
-Nathania (Moonlight)

‘midnight.’ Track List & Credits:
  1. Moonlight (Feat. NAVY, Nathania)
    Composed by WavyCake, NAVY, Nathania
    Composed by WavyCake, SOO WHILE!GHT, LILMONEY
  3. Fake Love (Feat. BiNTAGE, Lay.Bn)
    Composed by WavyCake, BiNTAGE, Lay.Bn
  4. Sober Night (Feat. FR:EDEN, Seungmin Kim)
    Composed by WavyCake, FR:EDEN, Seungmin Kim
  5. 12:13
  6. Fade (Feat. BOiTELLO, yelloasis)
    Composed by WavyCake, BOiTELLO, yelloasis
  7. Monster (Feat. JUNNY, ROLLYBOI)
    Composed by WavyCake, JUNNY, ROLLYBOI
  8. See the Light (Feat. BiNTAGE, BAYLEE)
    Composed by WavyCake, BiNTAGE, BAYLEE

Mixed & mastered by BiNTAGE, WavyCake, Kim Seungmin (track 4)
Artwork: WOOGS


Ein Beitrag geteilt von SIM2 (@gue1122) am

Related Links:

WavyCake    [icon type=”soundcloud”]
Privacy    [icon type=”facebook-square”]     [icon type=”instagram”]     [icon type=”soundcloud”]
SIM2    [icon type=”instagram”]     [icon type=”soundcloud”]


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