To celebrate World Penguin Day/World Earth Day, Pengsoo released his very first single, “This is Pengsoo,” with FeelGhood Music‘s Bizzy, Tiger JK and BIBI.
This song was made in collaboration with Korean network EBS and was featured in episode 105 of Giant Peng TV.
Release Date: April 21, 2020
Type: Single
Presented by EBS
Published by Genie Music
- This is Pengsoo (펭수로 하겠습니다) TITLE
Lyrics: Tiger JK, Bizzy, BIBI, Pengsoo
Composed by Tiger JK, Zoey Cho
Arranged by Zoey Cho
Keyboard: Zoey Cho
Mixed by Jason Park at FeelGhood Studio
Mastered by Namwoo Kwon at 821 Sound
Music Video:
Source: Bugs!