SUL‘s first mini-album, “TRIP“, features TOIGO, Rakon, Dopein, KOR KASH, and Homeboy, as well as producers HOMEALONe, SLO and DDungbo.
After the “Lazy Tape” mixtape and the “Hybrid Love” double single, this EP is the final part of SUL’s threepart project.
Release Date: September 26, 2020
Type: EP
Presented by ToAllTheYoung
Published by Biscuit Sound
“TRIP” Tracklist & Credits:
- TR!P (Feat. TOIGO)
Composed by SUL, TOIGO, Sahara
Lyrics: SUL, TOIGO
Arranged by Sahara
Mixed by SUL, TOIGO
Mastered by SUL - SooM (Feat. Rakon)
Composed by SUL, Rakon, HOMEALONe
Lyrics: SUL, Rakon
Synthesizer: HOMEALONe
Arranged by HOMEALONe
Mixed by SUL, greenbeige
Mastered by SUL - Wine (고양이 보러 올래?) (Feat. Dopein)
Composed by SUL, Dopein, Myles Jacob
Lyrics: SUL, Dopein
Arranged by Myles Jacob
Mixed and mastered by SUL - Attraction (끌림) (Feat. KOR KASH) TITLE
Composed by SUL, KOR KASH, SLO, DDungbo
Arranged by SLO, DDungbo
Mixed and mastered by SUL - Girl (Feat. Homeboy)
Composed by SUL, Homeboy, Myles Jacob
Lyrics: SUL, Homeboy
Arranged by Myles Jacob
Mixed by SUL, Homeboy
Mastered by SUL
Artwork: LEERYAN
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Source: Bugs!