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R&B/soul singer muhpy, who is a member of zikzak Crew, has uploaded his very first song at the beginning of August. ‘P.S. (You Must Be Happy)‘ was co-composed by THAMA. With its minimal beat it is an easy-to-listen-to R&B song and lets muhpy’s voice stand out beautifully. Give it a listen and look forward to the singer’s next upload!
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Photo by Kang Chaewon
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The Red House
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With his unique high voice, this singer pulls off R&B/hiphop, pop, and indie music. He has been frequently collaborating with producer Primetime. For a feast on both ears and eyes, check out the music video for Ontheroad‘s ‘Ear Pot‘ which The Red House directed. The song features both The Red House and SLCHLD, and producer GILLA had his finger in the pie too.
Recommended Track: XXXNight
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