[Recap] Move The Crowd – Chapter 08


Read my recap of hiphop webtoon Move The Crowd’s eighth chapter.

[x_custom_headline type=”left” level=”h1″ looks_like=”h4″]Back in New York[/x_custom_headline]

Chapter 08 starts with a flashback to three years ago in New York. We see two friends of Doosik‘s who are talking drugs and prison. When a rich-looking boy they don’t know asks them for drugs, they pretend they don’t know what he’s talking about and lure him in an alley where they point a gun at him. Just then, 2SIK appears and talks to the boy, finding out that he’s come to the US to study. He scolds him for trying to buy drugs instead of studying and slaps him. His friend hits the boy on the head, they take his money and leave.
Time turns forward and we see the scene in the waiting room from chapter 03 where the mysterious guy is watching Doosik. His name is revealed: Ahn Chulmin aka Rapsta. He is probably the boy from three years ago who was robbed by Doosik and his friends, thus bears a grudge against Doosik and wants to prevent him from doing rap in Korea.
The story switches back to the present, where our hero is starving on a park bench without any money. Due to his bad smell he is unable to flirt with any girls and the blonde girl isn’t taking his calls. After days of eating nothing but leftovers which make him throw up, he decides to give up his pride and ask ‘small Sung-gi‘ (roughly translates to ‘small dick’) for money. Luckily, however, when he arrives at the studio he meets SHYONE who has come back. It turns out that Doosik has meanwhile recorded the track for Skratch’s album and that Park Sangwook featured on it. SHYONE and 2SIK listen to the song together …

[x_custom_headline type=”left” level=”h1″ looks_like=”h4″]Cameo[/x_custom_headline]

[x_custom_headline type=”left” level=”h1″ looks_like=”h4″]Link[/x_custom_headline]

Move The Crowd – Chapter 08: Back in New York (The flashback is mainly in ghetto English, so you can actually read that part.)


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