R&B singer Babylon is an interesting enigma. He’s an artist who creates passion and long-lasting emotional narratives with his lyricism. An artist like Babylon has so much welling inside him. A talk with him could only scratch the surface of who he is. Be that as it may, there’s still so much experience, so much we can get from the work he’s done and continues to do that clues us in to what makes Babylon the artist he is.

Humble Introductions
“I am R&B artist Babylon,” he says, introducing himself simply. His vocal range and the heights he reaches when he’s in the throes of something powerful speak of someone who has a great deal brewing within him he wants to get out. But at his core, Babylon is an ordinary man who just yearns to create something honest.
My first encounter with the talented vocalist and songwriter was his debut song “Pray.” The heartache in his voice hit me full force from the very first note. To say I wasn’t expecting that music need from a debut single would be an understatement. “As the title says.” he begins, “‘Pray’ refers to a prayer. The song is about sacrificing everything for one’s beloved and protecting them until the end. While it isn’t too over-the-top, the song’s details are important, so I gave my best to highlight those parts.”
It’s in his nature to take things as they come, never fretting and letting the natural pull of the universe put him where he’s supposed to be. When explaining what it was that attracted him to music in the first place, his answer is straightforward and actually quite revealing: “I’ve always enjoyed and felt relaxed listening to music. After finding out that I like to sing and make music, I came to love music even more. I think that’s how I naturally started making music.”
Babylon wears his influences openly. If one listens to his intonation, the way he emotes when delivering a lover’s lament it’s obvious he has shades of Chris Brown in his musical background. By extension there are even moments when he recalls the soul of Michael Jackson in songs like “Drive” from his recently released LP, “Caelo.” “I pay detailed attention to things like pronunciation, diction, tone, or feeling of Michael Jackson and Chris Brown’s voices.”
Even his name draws influence from pop culture. As an earlier interview with the singer reveals, the film “Scarface” made a lasting impression on him. “The phrase ‘The world is yours’ left the greatest impression,” he says. He notes other Al Pacino classics such as “Carlito’s Way” and “The Godfather” as influential films in his life. It’s fitting that this man so bound by his emotions would choose films which at their core are very much about maintaining a sense of self even when extreme turmoil attempts to tear you apart.
Letting Nature Take Its Course
As it turns out, Babylon’s road to both making music professionally and collaborating with a wide variety of artists came just as naturally as his ability to create his music. In Hongdae, he happened to become a vocal coach. But that was never something he actively sought out. “I did not do it as a professional. As I was making songs with others, we ended up giving each other feedback. And many people told me that my explanations were easy to understand, that they helped them visualize and sing better. So that I gave lessons came by naturally.”
As I said, allowing nature to take its course. Letting life lead him in the right direction. “I have no intention of professionally teaching music yet,” he says. Despite having a knack for it, that’s not what’s on his horizon.
However, pushing to create music on his own terms is certainly something that is forefront in his mind. With friend Last Nite, he created label Max Mind Music. The intention, of course, was to be able to give his music the attention it deserves. “Last Nite is a friend I respect and like,” he begins. “We used to just hang out, but then we realized that we like the same music genres and styles. As we talked about music, we naturally ended up founding the crew MMM (Max Mind Music).”
Thus we come to his latest project, his first full-length album titled, “Caelo.” “In Latin, ‘caelo’ means ‘heaven’ or ‘to engrave in heaven,’” he explains. “In a practical but also lyrical manner I wanted to express all the moments and emotions we experience.”
It’s an amalgamation of some of Babylon’s best work both vocally and in terms of his lyricism. He also had the distinct honor to work with some of South Korea’s most respected artists, including Verbal Jint and The Quiett. “Every time I received a recording I was astonished and couldn’t help but be inspired,” he confesses. “I found out in what ways different vibes and concepts can harmonize. I once again realized that each and every one of them is a true professional.
“They are natural-born perfectionists. And they work extremely hard. Working with them, I had to keep thinking and practicing. I think I also learned that I had to try these things.”
Babylon is known for his high-profile collaborations. He’s worked with the likes of San E (“Ocean Drive”), PENOMECO (“Real Talk”), and of course the collab that launched him headfirst into the spotlight, his work with ZICO on track “Boys & Girls.” In fact, his collaborative hits are among the songs he considers those that describe him the best. Included on that list with “Boys & Girls” and “Ocean Drive” is track “U & Me,” a song featuring Illionaire Records CEO Dok2.
Perhaps his most intriguing collaboration track to date is “Everything,” a track he did with international R&B superstar Eric Benet. “I had always dreamed of working with him,” he says, enthusiasm bleeding through his typed words. “As I was working on the song, I thought it would be nice to do a collaboration and contacted him. Thankfully, he agreed. Eric Benet’s voice is so warm and charming. Working with him was a great motivation.”
Just the Beginning
With the release of “Caelo,” Babylon has yet again let people into who he is. This full-length gaze at the man allows us to see various sides of the multifaceted artist. With his ambition and desire to tell his story as honestly as possible, I can say without hesitation this is only the beginning. “In the future I will continue to interact with my fans through music and concerts,” he says. “I hope for your love and support. I will work even harder and improve myself.”
Being able to talk to an artist like Babylon who’s very clearly in tune with the deepest parts of himself is a blessing. It’s a shame, however, when you can’t actually sit down and talk to them face-to-face. But what’s impressive and even endearing about the man is that regardless of physical constraints, he still manages to reveal who he is honestly and with a true sense of who he is.
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