Music Releases

Sapo - Himalaya (cover)

Sapo releases single ‘Himalaya’

Sapo, who released strong music like ‘적자생존’ [Survival of the Fittest], ‘초전박살’ [K.O. Before the Fight Starts], ‘머리바짝깎아’ [Clean-Shaven Head], has released the strongest and manliest track ‘Himalaya’.
RHYME-A - Background Music (cover)

RHYME-A- releases single ‘Background Music’

Rapper RHYME-A- has pre-released the second single titled ‘Background Music’ of his upcoming 2nd full-length album ‘NBA’ after the single ‘Sophomore’ on April 5.

‘Background Music’ is about an artist’s need for music even during intercourse.
Just like the first pre-released single ‘Sophomore’, RHYME-A- has produced and arranged the track. After past singles like ‘혼자라고 느낄 때’ [When Feeling Alone], ‘질투 나잖아’ [I Get Jealous], this single once again displays RHYME-A-‘s skills as a vocalist, as he personally arranged the hook’s melody. With the addicting hook, RHYME-A- hopes to raise fans’ expectations of his second full-length album ‘NBA’ that is set for release in mid-May.

Executive producer: RHYME-A- for NBA Music
Produced by RHYME-A-
Composed by RHYME-A-
Lyrics by RHYME-A-
Arranged by RHYME-A-
Mixed and mastered by FAME-J @ FACTORY BOi STUDIO
Artwork designed by Jinwang
NBA Music (Natural Born Artist Music)

Related Link:
RHYME-A-‘s profile on HIPHOPKR


Source: rokhiphop
Translation: hiphopkr