Exclusive Interviews

The Deep - Here I Am (promotional picture)

“So This Is How You Make Music” — An Interview with The Deep

One of the more surprising albums in 2020 came from a young woman with a voice like aged whiskey. Yoojin Park, known more commonly by her stage name The Deep, has a voice that just catches you off guard. Unapologetically husky and full of old-school emotion. With her debut EP, Escape, fans of R&B from Korea were gifted something truly unique. A singer with true vocal grit. The Deep took some time to answer a few questions for us.

Yoonha Verse

“I Bring Myself”: An Exclusive Interview with Yoonha Verse

The one true thing in life is that you never know what’s going to happen. You can have a plan for yourself. Follow all the rules to get there. But life inevitably will take you where it wants. This truth rings with loud clarity for up-and-coming R&B songstress Yoonha Verse. She took some time to take us on her journey from shy music lover to confident vocalist.

Dream Chasing Crew

Dream Chasing: “More Than the Money and the Fame”

One of life’s greatest joys, and also it’s rarest, is to discover something at its root. To stumble upon the humble origins of something great. Finding artists right at the dawn of their careers is even more of a blessing. I relish the occasions when I get those emails from artists hoping to find an outlet that will give them a chance. Such was the case with DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia)-area hip-hop crew Dream Chasing.


“People Don’t Have One Emotion”: An Interview with R&B Singer Syn

Every interview I do with artists I’m surprised just how introspective they are. You’d have to be to even attempt to survive in an industry as brutal as music tends to be. R&B newcomer Syn is incredibly self-aware. But she’s also unassuming. Her youth makes her both ambitious and thirsty for more. More knowledge, more experience. More music. She took some time to answer some questions for us. The answers were incredibly enlightening.


“I want to become a genre myself”: An Interview with R&B Artist BRWN

R&B and hip-hop artist BRWN is one of those artists who keeps his eye forever toward the future. Always moving forward. Always reaching for the stars and beyond. He gave us a moment of his time to reflect about his work and what he wants for his future.

“Nice to meet you!”

Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?

Hello, nice to meet you, readers. I’m Korean musician BRWN. I was born in 1992 in Jeonju. I spent my childhood there. :) Jeonju is a very traditional city in Korea. Someday when readers take a trip to Korea, I’d like to recommend my hometown, Jeonju.

Anyway, I’ve loved music since I was young. So everyday I was singing, writing lyrics, making a melody. Music was only happiness for young me. Time went by so fast and music eventually became my whole life. Now I am a musician who makes a living.

Musician “BRWN” started with the 2017 mixtape “brwn.” After I released seven singles, eight EP albums, and featured on 17 albums, some of the listeners gave me the title of “Hustler,” so I’m working harder to make it up to them.

I’m trying to put my colors in different genres, and through various attempts, I want to become a genre myself. Later when I die, I will make many people remember my music. What I want the most is to succeed with music when I’m alive, to serve and donate for the weak.

Have a happy day and enjoy my interview. Thank you for your interest in me. Thanks, readers!

“Music has given me direction to happiness.”

Have you always wanted to make music?

Yeah. I try to make music almost everyday because without music, my life is meaningless. So everyday, everyday I think, “What is new music? What is great music?” I always try to move to be the best.

What made you want to start making music?

Since I was young, music has given me direction to happiness. I was happiest when I sang, naturally. I think the only reason I made music seriously ever since was my family. My success is my family’s success.

What made you connect with hip hop and R&B?

I grew up listening to hip hop and R&B music since I was young. So I naturally make music in hip hop and R&B. I’ve tried making many genres of music, and I’m still trying, but I want to take root in hip hop and R&B. I want to make my own genre based on its roots.

Leaving the Old Me Behind

You said you changed your name to “BRWN” to symbolize getting rid of your old self. What about your old self did you want to get away from/change?


Two months before BRWN, every thought, every color, every movement changed. To start anew, I threw away everything I had and started all over again.

What about the word “brown” do you identify with?

Sometimes I thought brown was the best color for dark (sincereness, sadness, pain) and sometimes light (happiness, hope, start). That’s why I used “brown” as my name. The reason why I took out O, in the meantime, is because it means I have started to abandon myself in the past. [Editor’s Note: BRWN’s former artist name was “O.venz” and his last name is “Oh.”]

If you go through another personal evolution, will you change your name again?

No, that’s probably never going to happen. Everyone will see BRWN reach the top.

What is Trendy?

You’ve said that you listen to “trendy” artists for inspiration. What does it mean to be “trendy”? Who’s “trendy” to you?

For me, trendy is a wonderful person, great music, everything cool. So clearly I won’t say who gave me the trendiness because there are so many things that inspire me.

You mentioned in your interview with Hipase that you’d like to work with Joji. What about Joji do you connect with?

So far, it’s more like a wish. I think I want to work with him when my music gets more powerful.

Are there any other artists that people might be surprised you like?

Errday Jinju. If you listen to his music, you will sympathize with my recommendation. He is a musician who has a very distinct color and does creative music. I hope many people will listen to him.


About your song “Rainy Season.” It’s very different from what you usually make. More like a ballad and it seems like there’s more sadness. Why did you choose to write about a stray cat in the rain? Does the cat represent you going through a hardship and coming out of it?

A rainy day I saw a sad street cat in the park avoiding the rain. I wrote about seeing a cat in the rain from a three-way perspective. A street cat means youth living for a difficult dream, and a rainy season means adversity. When the rainy season is over, the sun is very bright. I hope everyone can cheer up and live in hardship.

You describe “To HER” as an album expressing that you’re sad and miss your ex, but it’s all your fault she’s gone. Is there a personal story behind the album?

It was a letter to a loved ex, so I want to keep it to myself and her mind. I’ll leave the backstory to everyone’s imagination.

Is the album a way to make amends for whatever you think you did?

It’s my last letter, so maybe it’s my last thought to her? I hope she remembers me from memory after listening to this album.

Is there a song on this album that was really emotional for you to write?

All four songs have real emotions. But the saddest song was the first track, “junk.” Now if you listen to it again, you will feel my sadness deeper.

What do you want listeners to get from “To HER”?

If you’re a listener who’s been through a breakup, I hope you’ll be comforted. If you’re not, I hope you’ll get a different vibe from BRWN for each song. And I hope your ears are pleased with “To HER.”

What’s Next?

You seem to be an artist who likes to tell a story for every album. What’s the next story you want to tell?

I’m making an album focusing on the present I’m living in. I can’t even tell myself what kind of story will be in a new album. When my new album comes out, I hope you enjoy my music slowly. Thinking about what kind of life BRWN is living.

What are you most looking forward to for 2020?

Meeting my new works that will remain in the world even if I die someday.

Do you have any final thoughts for our readers?

Let’s live happily with love in our hearts.

BRWN continues to march ever forward. Even when reliving the pain of a breakup, he moves on. With an eye on the horizon, forever watching for the rising and setting of the sun, BRWN is an artist who, no matter what, will always push for more. More happiness. More music. And perhaps most importantly, more for himself.

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Interviewed by Cy
BRWN’s English answers edited for clarity by Cy, Lena