PUNCHNELLO drops his mixtape ‘at 5:43am’

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PUNCHNELLO of HIGHGRND released his new mixtape ‘at 5:43am‘ via SoundCloud on February 22nd. It contains six tracks.

PUNCHNELLO debuted in 2016 with ‘LIME’, which was followed by four more singles, the most recent one being ‘Detox’ from March 2017. Meanwhile, he has featured on tracks by Sik-K, PENOMECO, Code Kunst, offonoff, LOCO, Rad Museum, 2xxx! and more.

On February 22nd, the rapper released a new mixtape on his SoundCloud channel. The seven tracks off the mixtape have a more mellow and melancholy vibe, which is slightly different from the quick-paced style of rapping most are used to from the artist.

Check out the full mixtape via the SoundCloud link above!

‘at 5:43am’ Track List & Commentary:
  1. record at 5:43am
    Songs I recorded,
    a morning on which the sun didn’t rise.
  2. numb
    A song purposely played loudly,
    dulling all senses.
  3. balcony
    The sound of smoldering,
    smoke being scattered by the wind.
  4. hangover
    The sound of a rolling bottle,
    a mood that doesn’t improve.
  5. icanthelpyouifyouwontletme
    A drunken voice,
    a different myself talking to myself.
  6. openthedoor
    The sound of flowing hot water,
    me lying in the bathtub.
  7. record at 5:44am
    Still songs I recorded,
    the sunlight gradually entering.

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Sources: SoundCloud, Instagram


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