[Recap] Move The Crowd – Chapter 06


Read my recap of hiphop webtoon Move The Crowd’s sixth chapter.

[x_custom_headline type=”left” level=”h1″ looks_like=”h4″]쓰레기 인생 (Trash Life)[/x_custom_headline]

2SIK sleeps over at the place of the girl he met in Hongdae. He plans to sleep at the blonde girl’s place the next day and to get more girls’ numbers so he has places to sleep at for the week. He also wants to buy a phone. However, as it turns out on the next day, a brand new phone would be way too expensive for him. So he asks for a free phone. With that, he calls SHYONE who tells him to come to the studio right away. There, Doosik finds out that Skratch‘s featuring partner cannot feature anymore and that SHYONE thinks 2SIK should feature on Skratch’s song instead. SHYONE explains the details and tells him to record his part after one week. As 2SIK and Skratch are fighting again, they all go out for a smoke, where Skratch teases Doosik for his cheap phone. Pissed off, our main character leaves the studio to write lyrics. When he finishes writing, he realizes it’s already late and tries to pick up a girl in a hurry. However, he is being watched by the blonde girl who does not seem pleased …

[x_custom_headline type=”left” level=”h1″ looks_like=”h4″]Trivia[/x_custom_headline]

  • ‘Free cellphones’ are the same everywhere, you get the phone itself for free (obviously an old model) and have to pay for other things instead, e.g. Wifi. However, Doosik says that “A phone just has to make calls.”
  • SHYONE mentions that 2SIK and Skratch went throught the same things. He knows more than we do.
  • In this chapter, it looks like SHYONE does smoke after all. Lots of Korean men (especially rappers) smoke.
  • We all know the famous line “G-Shock to Rolex” (also used by The Quiett). Seeing how Doosik’s watch is a G-Shock, will we see him wear a Rolex at the end of the webtoon?

[x_custom_headline type=”left” level=”h1″ looks_like=”h4″]Link[/x_custom_headline]

Move The Crowd – Chapter 06: 쓰레기 인생 (Trash Life)


New tracks by KROSSHARTZ, and Keith Ape

E SENS – Dice
